I just couldn't stop

I know it's late everyone, but I was having so much fun using SketchBook Express that I had to post one more thing. I looked in Imagine FX, a digital illustration magazine, and found a tutorial for doing a quick character concept. Although I used a different program than the author, I feel I did an okay job. Let me know what you think.



  1. Hey mister. This is a good start. Check your light source though. Seems to be coming from the top right, yet you have heavy highlights on the lower left side of the chest piece. Unless that's reflected light from a different source. If the light is coming from the top right, the helmet should cast a shadow on the creature's right shoulder pad (our left). As a fix, why not have the lighting come from the top left. That way you can keep all that nice work you did in the helmet, which I think you did a great job on! Then try to bring down the highlights a little in the chest.

    Imagine FX is a great book. Expensive, since it's out of the UK, but good - and they even throw in brushes for Photoshop once in a while.

  2. Thanks for the critique Rick. The "light" you see in the top right corner is actually where I stopped brushing in my middle tone. The light is supposed to be top left, but I can see how it's confusing.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I feel that it is now your time to throw some stuff up on your blog. You should do a 20 minute, Photoshop alien buts like me. I will check your site in 30 minutes.. GO!

  3. Hey man! Yeah, I got a little confused by your light source - it seemed as if you had multiple ones going on, but they were fighting for attention.

    Instead of a 20 minute PS alien of my own, I did a 20 min. paint over of yours. Hope you don't mind.

    Foley original:

    Paint over:

  4. PS - Alien butts? Hairy, lumpy or slimy?

  5. nice paint over! ...no offense taken at all! I see what you mean about the cast shadow of the helmet. Looks nice. I hate hippies.

    PS - Hippies with Alien Butts?

  6. No problem, dude. I would expect the same on my stuffs. I didn't know what material the alien was wearing, but the helmet looked brassy and the vest looked like leather - so that's why I didn't do too many extreme highlights on it.

    Keep crankin' stuff out. Good progress!

  7. I could give a shit about light source! Nail that down later. More alien concepts!

  8. Jason was obviously worried about a light source or he wouldn't have rendered this piece out as much as he did. I would agree that a light source wouldn't matter if he had just done a line drawing - no rendering, no nothing. Just line. But that's not what he did here. He was concerned about color weight, light, etc. So in this case, the light source IS important, as it informs shape and mass.

    You could "give a shit" but Jason did. And, by extension, I cared too. And I think that he an I both learned something here.

    Speed and quantity sometimes has it's place, but making mistakes and learning from them is more important in the long run.


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