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Ice is back with a brand new/old invention...

Hello friends! Yes I'm back from quite a whirlwind of activities and events in my life. As you all know from previous posts I was in South Africa for about 2.5 months. When I got back, we bought a house here in North Carolina, literally four days after I got back. Then I had to paint 4 rooms and get us moved in. A couple of weeks later... we had our daughter Nora Josephine Foley. Now, I am constantly busy with maintaining the house and taking care of our baby girl while Sharon returns to work. All of this to say... I love my life! During the downtimes, when Nora is sleeping, I have had the chance to dive into making a comic. I have never completed a full comic before and I see this project as a personal challenge. I have been developing a story for years and years that involves my roommates from college. They always liked seeing my drawings and caricatures of people and more than one time I was asked to make them into super heroes. So, I sat down with my old sketchbooks, drew up ...

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