Hello everyone! I've been holding back and not posting as much as I should. This is not to say that I haven't been doing any work, I just haven't had time to post. S
First, on a personal note, if you haven't heard about it yet, I'm going to be a father! I don't really have much to say about this other than I am super excited and super scared all at the same time. We're very happy and really looking forward to being parents.
Second, this weekend I'm attending the North Carolina Comic Con. It's just down the road in Raleigh and it goes all weekend. The reason I'm mentioning it is because I'm going to be entering their first annual art contest! It's taking place this Saturday at 4:30, so please send me you prayers, positive energy, and good wishes during that time. The winner gets tons of free art supplies!! I have to complete a piece in one hour, so I'm practicing what I'm going to draw. Here's a detail of what I'm working on.
detail of my TMNT pin-up page |
Third, I finished my grandfather's portrait. I am really proud of this and I've recieved a lot of positive feedback. Thanks to everyone who's commented. Here's the final painting... I think my mom is going to love it!
final acrylic portrait of my grandfather |
Fourth, this month is the beginning of 30 Characters in 30 Days. I am going to be designing and drawing a brand new, freshly created comic book character EVERY DAY! I am really excited about this. I will be posting them here on the blog but you can also check them out at the website,
30Characters.com. You can see my characters, as well as over 700 other participant's entries. There is no prize or competition, it's just a great place where artists are getting together to create. Check it out and send me some love to keep me motivated!
Last but not least, I have a ton of sketches to post up here. Thanks for reading all of this! Check back tomorrow for the first character!
ink on watercolor paper |
pencil, ink, and brush on copy paper |
pencil, ink, and brush on copy paper |
Flying Girl
red pencil, ink, and brush on copy paper |
red pencil, ink, and brush on copy paper |
Spider-Man, Silver Surfer
red pencil, ink, and brush on copy paper |
pencil, ink, and brush on copy paper |
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