Live long and prosper...

Every year, all subjects of the geek kingdom converge on Indianapolis, Indiana to attend the penultimate celebration of all things nerd. The name of this venue is Gen-Con. If you are into role-playing games, board games, table-top battle games, or you like to dress up like Frodo, this is the place for you. I attended this con two years in a row and had a great time and met a lot of interesting people. I also met a group of Klingons. Yes, you heard me, Klingons. Gen-Con took place this past week and I was unable to attend. So, in honor of this grand event I drew a Klingon for your enjoyment.

I also have a few anatomy drawings that I did. Enjoy!

ink, nib-pen, and brush on bristol board
colored in photoshop

col-erase pencil on paper

col-erase pencil on paper


  1. Bottom Robot man is creepin' me out.

    Again, the Klingon is dope.


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