And so it begins...

Today is the first official day of the "Year of Foley". Each day I will be posting up the practice pieces that I generate every morning despite whether their great or not... it's just practice, big whoop right? Then in the afternoon I'll post a picture of the current project/projects I'm working on so you can see my progress.
This morning I worked on more anatomy and did a little painting. The first is a quick study of the muscles of the face. It's a bit rushed because I got started late this morning, but I think it was a good way to learn the muscle groups behind some of the many facial expressions we all make. More facial muscles next time.

The second picture is a watercolor sketch I did of my grandfather. I am planning on making a full painting of this sometime soon, but I just wanted to play around with composition and color today, sorta get me in to painting more. I really had fun with it. I was a little afraid at first though because I didn't do a pre-sketch or put in any guidelines... I just put brush to paper and this came out. I wasn't really concerned with creating an exact likeness but I came pretty close. I'm really excited to transfer this to a large canvas.
I am currently in the process of creating two comic books. One all digitally, and the other in the traditional style, (i.e. pencil & ink on paper). This afternoon I will have an inked page for all to look at from the traditionally produced comic. I hope you like it!
Day one is going well so far and I hope it continues this way for the rest of the year. Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment so I know if you're checking this stuff out. Thanks!
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