1,000 Miles Per Hour!

I have a friend who's desire in life is to have the ability to run 1,000 m.p.h. and sweat money. In the real world, this is an impossibility, so I did the next best thing... drew a picture of it. I hope he likes it!

ink, brush, and computer on bristol

I have been doing some people sketches lately and I've been having a lot of trouble with the placement of the shoulders and neck lines on top of the rib cage. So, yesterday I spent a few hours drawing from my anatomy books, concentrating on the neck and shoulders. Here's the results. 

Neck Muscle Study
mechanical pencil on copy paper

Neck Muscle Movement Study
mechanical pencil on copy paper

Neck and Shoulder Relationship Study
mechanical pencil on copy paper


  1. WOW! Very Impressive...excellent work and artistic abilities. Miss ya Foley! Say "hi" to Sharon


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