Friends, Romans, Mechwarriors... lend me a few credits.

That is what I envision this dude in the front of my picture saying. This is a sketch I did recently in SketchBook Pro. This sketch was based on a few I did in my Moleskine Sketchbook of a group of men who looked like some technological monastic order. So, I decided to transfer it to a digital format. First, I drew the dude in the foreground with a robed uniform. Second, after I drew him in I thought it looked like he was giving some sort of presentation so, naturally, I put a big soldier dude behind him in "too-big-to-be-possible" power armor.

I plan on finishing it off at some point but right now I really like the initial sketch. I might do a few more from different angles, more characters, etc. and then do a big final rendering. Please enjoy what I have for now and as always, constructive feedback is welcome and encouraged!



  1. I can dig it.

    From the numbered shoulder pad, I assume he plays space footie.

  2. Actually that's his name... too many people in the future and all dem names has been used up... just numbers now.

  3. Looks good. Have you considered another pose for the guy in the power armor? Possibly looking over and down at the guy speaking? Might create an interesting dynamic in the piece.


    check your email, fool!


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