Heeding good advice

Some of you have suggested for me to continue using my pencils, so I took your advice and used them today. This is a sketch from a photo I did about an hour ago. 

20 minute pencil sketch from photo

I'll be honest, I didn't want to do it. I've been drawing the last few days and nothing seems to be going right for me when I put a mark down on the page. Today, I forced myself to relax, (not very relaxing by the way), and picked a basic picture and started drawing. I think way too much when I draw and I get so caught up in what's correct and what's not that I block all of that good stuff that's trying to happen on the page. It's a perfectionist thing. 

That is the reason for this blog; to break that habit. I need to just draw and post it up. You guys checking out the page and giving me feedback is really helpful because I never want to disappoint by not posting something. I had to post today and knowing that all of you were waiting for something new was a huge driving force in getting me over the perfectionist thing and just doing it. Thanks!



  1. Looks like you should keep at the pencils for a bit. I likee. If you're going to draw from photos every now and then, do one of Ogami Itto and Daigoro fromt he 70s films.


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