Introducing... Semi-Formal Sweat Pants Man!

Hello Folks! Well, here he is, the most fun superhero I've ever semi-created; Semi-Formal Sweatpants Man. Here's the story: Back in college, my roommate Kevin, was studying for his finals in his sweatpants. When he finished for the night, he ran to the living room and proceded to drink heavily. Soon, he had no shirt and somehow a tie appeared around his neck.  Did I mention that Kevin's sweatpants were so big that he could pull them up to his shoulders? He started calling himself Semi-Formal Sweatpants Man. Strange, I know, but what great material for a comic book hero! Here is a quick sketch I did of him.

When I used this idea for a comic book hero, I had to give him super powers. So, S.F.S.M. has a tie that can morph into anything and has super strength. This is handy since his arms are tucked in his pants. He also wears a cheap Dollar Store mask to hide his identity. Enjoy!



  1. That's some crazy stuff going on there.

  2. I forgot to mention that he wears wing-tip shoes!

  3. Nice!

    Hey, what's up with only posting twice a week now?


  4. If his pants go all the way up to his shoulders, then he's constantly in a ball fume cloud. Yum.

    Who does he battle? I need a villan if you're gonna solidify him as a character.

  5. He's a character based on one of my roommates from college. I plan on releasing characters for each of my roommates, including myself. The villans are wide ranging, each based on some DB's that we knew in school. I will also be drafting those guys up as well.

    Jeff, sorry about the posting frequency. I'll try to ramp it up next week!


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